Sunday, 5 August 2012


Hello Everyone.

I'm not much of a writer but I really wanted to encourage other young women out there.I recently took a bold step in becoming natural that means accepting myself for who I Am.
I just got to that stage in my life were I thought for a minute who exactly am I.A question of identity.

Beneath all the weaves and perms there definitely was a different person.I started relaxing my hair at a young age if I'm not mistaken, I think I started when I was 8years old.So since then pretty much my whole entire life time I depended on relaxers to do the straightening of my hair.My hair never grew the longest  it got was to my neck and then breakage would take its toll.Looking back I've discovered all the burns and uncomfortable feelings I got in my scalp were not worth all the trouble.Thats when I just got so tired of spending money, time and effort on things that never produced results.

I had just about enough I just couldn't wait any longer I went in for the B.C.(Big Chop) on March 3 2012.I was sooo excited beyond the roof.

                                                                   After my B.C

                                                          This is right after my B.C.

I was a little bit sceptical and didn't think short hair would look great on me.Ladies don't let anyone lie to you.You were born beautiful that's how God created you. Dont ever make any excuses as to why you shouldn't be who YOU ARE.Remember your not pleasing any man or woman for coming out natural.Now I'm not saying there wont be haters but the biggest hater is yourself.I realised that with myself.Everyone loved my short hair.I was the only one who thought otherwise and I had to come out of that shell.

I love my hair its really super kinky curly.I have a mixture of 4b and 4c hair.I must admit I had no idea my hair could have different textures. I'm discovering myself and who I really was created to be.Society should never have the last say of who you should be.Your different, unique and a blessing in the eyes of many people.I encourage you today live your life for who your meant to be and all those rotten apples you thought were your friends will fall out of your basket.But that doesn't matter count your blessings and a good friend or a special somebody will come around your way and they'll love you because your comfortable with yourself it doesn't matter if your pink, black, red, brown or yellow like myself we are all one creation.
Embrace those kinky curly coils its apart of who you are.

                                                              This is me at two months

                                       This is me now at 5months rocking that TWA (Tieenie Weenie Afro).

Be creative with your hair even in its short state.Yes I know shrinkage can be a major bore.But its all apart of the journey.Dont give up sometimes growth can take a little bit longer but dont give up give your hair a chance.Visit websites that help and encourage your journey.

                                                                        Websites that helped me out
                                                                        Also check youtube some of my favourites
                                                                                       Slim 411
 Soon I will do a product review on what I use for my hair,honestly I'm a product junkie but I will share what I use for my hair soon.
                                                Please comment, subscribe any questions feel free.
                                                Otherwise Have a Naptural Hairy Day.Shalom


  1. hey dear loving your blog!!looking forward to more posts about yout journey!


    1. Thank you so much Ur blog too :D
